All Common Craft Videos - Now Unbranded

Now more than ever, we see our membership service and video library as a utility, something professionals use to do their jobs more effectively.  And we’re always looking for ways to improve that experience. That’s why, based on member feedback, we’ve made changes to nearly every video in the library. 

What Changed?
Common Craft videos are now “unbranded”, meaning that they no longer display Common Craft logos, titles, or the tagline “Explained by Common Craft” in the videos, aside from a small copyright endnote. 
Our videos are used in classrooms, on organization websites and inside companies.  In these situations, the content is what matters - the explanations. By removing the branding, we can provide videos that focus more tightly on the educational content and the needs of our members.
What Now?
If you’re curious, watch any video in our library to see the new versions (with a watermark that goes away with membership). Please note: the non-English versions of the videos remain the branded versions.