I spent a little time cleaning house this week and wanted to tell you about the changes. You might say that I fixed some broken windows.
As you can see on the right, this site has categories and each post I make gets assigned to at least one category. I pay particular attention to the categories because they are the primary way to browse the archives. Plus, I've shown that the names of the categories matter to Google.
I removed a category I've had since I started called "Original Writings". After blogging for a while, I realized that almost everything I post could be "original" so I had a hard time using the category. So it's gone.
I added a category for "RSS and Syndication". RSS is something I've written about for a while and I have a feeling I'll be talking about it for a long time.
I also added a page called "Introduction to Weblogs for Professionals and Small Businesses" that is linked from the top right section of this site called "What is Common Craft" using the "weblogs" link.
Another new page is the "Activity Summary" page that my friend Anthony put together. This is a page that integrates real time stats about how the site is being used. Recent comments, most commented, recent trackbacks, most visited, etc. You'll find it in the right nav bar as well.