Thanksgiving has come and gone here in the US and we're running a bit late in sharing the things for which we are thankful. This list could go on forever, but here are a few items that mean a lot to us.
- Our families, who are our biggest fans and sources of inspiration
- Fans who talk to about our work on the web and share links with friends
- Organizations and individuals who purchase videos
- The members of our Explainer Network
- Our friends who make us feel like family
- Sweet old dogs who we wish could live to 100
- Coffee, Friday lattes and all
- Living in Seattle, a city we truly love
- Neighbors who make us feel like we live in a community
- Good scissors
- AmazonFresh for keeping us out of grocery stores
- MioPosto, our local coffee/pizza joint
- Working with honest, hardworking people
- Being able to support local trade workers and artisans
- Each other
- Salmon - in all its forms
- Thursday night NBC TV, especially The Office and 30 Rock
- Musicians whose music becomes the soundtrack of our lives
- Listener Supported KEXP 90.3 FM
- Free and useful services like Google Apps and Twitter
- Living with a partner who is a ninja in the kitchen and the boardroom
- The list goes on...
2009 has been a great year Common Craft and you made it happen. 2010 will be even better. We hope you'll stick around!