For a while now I've been fascinated by the idea of creating a single place (other than Facebook) that brings together all the things I do on the Web. That is why I created the zeitgeist page here on Common Craft - to have that single place to bring it together. At the same time, I've had a blog at that has become a pain to keep updated - I needed a replacement.

Recently I discovered Tumblr, which is a super-simple and lightweight way to have a blog with a minimum of effort.
Here's the deal. I blog here, I put photos on Flickr, I put videos on You Tube and updates Twitter, the list goes on. Anyway, Tumblr takes the RSS feeds from these sources and turns them into blog posts. This was a perfect replacement for my old blog - it is always updated.
Further, Tumblr makes it super-simple for me to add a new photo, video, quote, blog post, or whatever, via a handy-dandy bookmarklet. It's fast.
The Tumblr posts don't allow comments and there are only a handful of features, but they appear to be the right ones.
So, I've redirected to - which will provide a constant flow of Lee-related bloggified fun from this point forward.