Office Hours with Lee

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Are you working on something complicated? Needing to communicate change? Hoping to get support for a new direction or educating a team? In these situations, clear explanations are essential.

Working with an outside partner can help you see new opportunities and avoid getting stuck. This person can help develop your points and ensure you get the results you want. I want to be that resource for you. See below.

Office Hours with Lee

It's simple. My hourly rate is $225 per hour. Contact me when you need help, and I'll be your personal explainer and help you get unstuck.

We'll work together, as needed, until you're satisfied. Often, this work results in a set of explanatory talking points, a script, or a presentation that explains an idea effectively to your audience.

Here's how it works:

  • Email Lee to schedule a brief introductory meeting at no cost. Or, pick a time that works for you.
  • We'll start with a 1-hour "discovery" call to learn more, set the stage, and outline deliverables/goals.
  • From there, we'll work collaboratively, online and off, in whatever style works for you.
  • Along with text-based explanations, I can create visuals, diagrams, animated GIFs, and more
  • Pay-as-you-go: No long-term contracts or hourly minimums

From a recent consulting client:

I came to Lee feeling stuck. I was working on a presentation and struggling to explain my work in a brief and engaging way. Lee listened carefully to my experience, goals, and ideas for the presentation and asked multiple questions. Within a few days, he came back to me with clear talking points that helped me see new opportunities to frame the ideas. Over time, we worked together to turn those talking points into visuals for my presentation. Now, when someone asks, I can explain my work with a few short sentences and even draw a quick diagram on the back of a napkin. Our time together was well with it!

~Jake McKee

To learn more, schedule a brief call with Lee