Just recently I was hanging out with Anthony, a great friend who has helped with the Common Craft designs over the years. He mentioned, quite candidly, that he wasn't a big fan of my buddy icon for this site. Being a designer and friend, I took his advice to heart and started the search for a new one.
As I've found, most photo searches on Flickr eventually lead to Kris Krug. If you don't know Kris, he's the Quasi-Sage at Bryght and one of Vancouver's best fashion photographers. An all-around talented and jovial individual that I've had the pleasure of knowing for years.
As I said, all photo searches seem to lead to Kris and my search for a new icon was no different. I found this photo that he took at Northern Voice and decided to make it work.

It's my guess that Kris' photos are used as buddy icons at greater frequency than any other photographer's on the web - and deservedly so.
It's hard to give proper attribution for a buddy icon, so this is my way of giving him credit for his work - it now appears on 100's of Common Craft blog posts and various social sites across the web. Thanks for everything Kris.