Videos for Teaching Internet Basics

This pack includes entertaining explanations of tools, ideas, and features of the internet. These videos will help anyone build a solid foundation of knowledge about how the web works and how to use it with confidence.
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Videos in this Pack
Web Browsers
URLs (Web Addresses)
Website Cookies
Domain Names and Hosting
IP Addresses
Privacy Online
Secure Websites
Online Advertising
Email Access: Web-based vs. Local Email
Web Conferencing and Webinars
Phishing Scams
Private or Incognito Browsing
Documents: Online vs Local
Internet of Things
Cloud Computing
Online Discussion Forums
Social Media
Net Neutrality
Online Basics - Digital Lifestyle
Online Basics - Online Accounts
Online Basics - Online Identity
QR Codes
Two Factor Authentication
Encryption on the Web
Net Neutrality
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What educators say about Common Craft videos...

My company does training for managers and employees across industries. Common Craft videos earn the attention of our audience, provide a break from lectures, and are always fun to discuss afterwards.

I always recommend Common Craft videos to school staff. Students love them because they're relevant, short and present information in memorable chunks.

Whether I am teaching students or fellow teachers, Common Craft's clear and concise videos help me reach learners at every level.

I use Common Craft videos because they are fun and effective visual explanations of tech concepts that are otherwise hard to explain.

Common Craft videos are well crafted and break down complex ideas into simple, easily digestible nuggets. I use them as jumping points for discussions and meetings.

Common Craft videos are exceptionally well-done. They are accurate and to-the-point videos around topics of great relevance. I use them as part of an Activating Strategy.
FAQs About Common Craft Videos
What is Common Craft?
Common Craft is a member-supported service that produces original educational videos and storytelling visuals called Cut-outs. Learners, educators, and communicators access our content through Common Craft membership. Our specialty is explanation and educating with context and clarity.
What are Common Craft videos?
Common Craft videos are short, animated videos designed to explain an emerging or complicated subject in about three minutes. All videos are produced by Common Craft and meant for ages middle school and up. We've been producing explainer videos since 2007 and have developed a unique and effective approach to education.
How do members use Common Craft videos?
Common Craft videos are used for personal education and teaching in classrooms, online meetings, learning resources, and more. Our videos are often used to introduce and explain a new subject.
How much does it cost to use Common Craft videos?
What subjects do you cover?
Our members help us decide what videos to make. Most titles are focused on responsible use of computers and the internet. This includes internet safety, online citizenship, computer basics, study skills, and more. See all titles in our video library.
How many videos are in the video library?
Our video library is growing constantly and we currently offer 120
Are Common Craft videos available with captions?
Yes. Videos in the library come with an open-captioned version in English.
Do you provide transcripts for videos?
Yes. Under each video in our library, there is a link “More Info + Transcript” that reveals the transcript and major points covered in the video.
What are Lesson Plans?
Lesson Plans are downloadable documents designed to help teachers use our videos in the classroom. Each lesson plan includes learning objectives, discussion questions, Q&A, and links for further reading. Most Common Craft videos include a Lesson Plan. Learn more about Lesson Plans.
Do your videos contain Common Craft logos or advertisements?
No. Our goal is for our members to be the star. The videos do not contain Common Craft logos, advertisements or title scenes. Please note that a small copyright notice appears near the end of each video.
Can you help me create my own explainer video?
Yes. We offer online, self-paced courses and live workshops that teach explanation and video production skills at the Explainer Academy.
Can I hire you to create a custom explainer video?
Yes. Learn more about our custom video services.