The Woot! service (known for their one-day, one-deal offers) has always been know for their light-hearted and fun communication style. It's a quality I love to see in companies. Any company that's prepared to be a little silly and not take itself too seriously has an opportunity to find loads of adoring customers and fans on the web. In the context of boring corporate announcements, these companies seem like the life of the party.
Thanks to their business model and adoring fans, Woot! was recently acquired by Amazon. So what do they do in the face of being acquired by a huge corporation? They make their announcement in the form of a rapping monkey. I love it. It tells the story, it's clever and fun and it feels like something Woot! should do.
If that's not enough for you, check out the hilarious email from their CEO.
Via: Laughing Squid