Wonderful Quote and Photos on Explanation

Matthew Monteith is a New York-based artist who had an idea for a photo series that captures people explaining artworks to others. Part of his motivation, according to this article on Flavorwire, was a fascination with explanation itself.  What follows is my new favorite quote on the subject, by Monteith:

I am fascinated with the art of explanation, the moment when one individual, using their own knowledge of an object, both conceptual and historical takes on the task of animating that story and attempts to plant the seed of that idea into the minds of others. These ideas morph into new ideas and ultimately into new works.

I love it.  The explainer's goal is to plant the seed of an idea into the minds of others.  A few of Montheith's photos art explanation photos are below. You can find many more here.


All photos credit: Matthew Monteith