Go To Northern Voice (Early)


Northern Voice is good, good fun and I'm not sure how many blolgging conferences I can honestly put in that category. I generally have fun at conferences, but there is something about Northern Voice that gives it a homey, we're-all-here-to-talk-about-the-stuff-we-love feel that reads low on the pretension meter.

This year the festivities officially start with Moose Camp on Friday, February 22nd but I'm here to tell you that if you really want your mind completely blown, come early. This, of course, is because yours truly will be the evening entertainment over a big spaghetti dinner at Heritage Hall on Thursday, February 21st. Was there ever a more potential for mind blowing that a $5 (donation only) spaghetti dinner and fun stories from a year of geeked-out world travel? Me thinks not.

Sachi and I both hope that we'll see you at Northern Voice. Register Now, it's only $50 for the whole she-bang.