For those of you new to Common Craft (a few folks have subscribed lately) I'd like to introduce a 30 minute weekly podcast that I do with my friends and fellow community nerds Chris Carfi and Jake Mckee. We call ourselves the Clue Unit and we discuss community-related topics, particularly focused on business.
Our last two episodes are now posted on the site. You can grab them here too:
Clue Unit #11: Co-Creation - April 24, 2007

(click here to listen - MP3)
(click here to subscribe to this feed)
Episode 11, about 30 minutes.
Today's show was focused on the topic of co-creation
- What is co-creation?
- How and why are organizations using it?
- What are the factors for success?
- What are the stages of the co-creation process?
Clue Unit #12: A Grab Bag of Topics - April 30, 2007

(click here to listen - MP3)
(click here to subscribe to this feed)
Episode 12, about 30 minutes.
Today's show was a grab bag of cool stuff
- RSS in Plain English Video
- Upcoming Product: Pleo, Caleb Chung and the Kickstart Event
- Huffington Post Moderation Issues
- Visible Technologies, PR and Bloggers
- Spam from the American Marketing Assn.
- Big in Japan's Egorcast
- JPG Magazine Giveaway
Also, if you'd like to be in on a random drawing for free subscricptions to JPG Magazine , check this entry.