Today we're announcing a new Common Craft website that is focused on one thing: sharing short, snarky and useful explanation tips. The site exists in two forms:
Along with providing a way to learn about explanation, the sites are meant for sharing explanation tips. You can click the Twitter icon on any tip and the site will copy that tip into a tweet for you.
Here's the site on computers and phones:

A few months back, friends and fellow authors Darren Barefoot and Julie Szabo of Capulet shared the idea with us on a call. Darren pointed us to a couple of examples like whatthef* and whatthef* Indeed, profanity is a big part of this genre and something that makes the sites fun and provocative. We loved the idea and within minutes, I reserved
Since then, a lot of work went into getting the sites hosted, designed, built and optimized. This involved the help of Boris Mann, who set us up on GitHub, Jay and Anastasia at Juxtaprose who designed it and Travis and TeeJay and Hop Studios who got the site up and ready for small screens. We're so psyched to see how the sites turned out.
Share an explanation tip with your followers: