We're so excited to have two new members of our Explainer Network of custom video producers.
Lilipip is a Seattle-based company that has been making videos for years. They're seeing new opportunities in the world of animated video explanations and we think they'll be a great fit for the Network. From their listing:
We make animated videos about your product, service, or concept. We’re an “Open-Source Creative” team with transparent pricing and processes – featuring global artists with a wide range of styles. Follow Lilipip on Twitter.
Here is one of Lilipip's most recent videos:
Animated Explanations is based in Brussels, Belgium and focuses on the European (and global) market for explanatory videos. They have extensive experience in making complex ideas easy to understand in video form and we're happy to have them in the Network. We're especially excited to have European representation in the Network. Follow them on Twitter @instruxion. From their listing:
Animated movies, interactive tutorials and instructional videos in attractive formats and any language.
The Common Craft Explainer Network is a group of video producers that specialize in making custom explanatory videos. The Network currently has six members that represent a number of skills, styles and formats. If that chunk of text on your home page just isn't doing the trick anymore, contact an Explainer Network member.
This video is one of our most requested and focuses on a few basic ideas:
Why companies offer their stock to the public
Why people buy and sell stocks
What makes stock prices change
How we measure stock markets using indices
This video is part of our Money series and one of the first to touch on markets. It was also one of the toughest to make. Economic forces like supply and demand can quickly turn into rabbit holes. Keeping it short and sweet was a challenge. We're so excited to share it with the world.
We expect this video to be useful to teachers, but also organizations related to investing, particularly ones focused on educating those new to the market.
As you may know, Wikipedia pages tend to evolve over time as users contribute new information and we're excited to see the Common Craft page evolve. But first we're hoping to build on a solid foundation - and we need your help. The information that's there is a good start, but it can be better.
As the owners, it's not kosher for us to edit the page, so we'll be adding suggestions to the "talk" section over time (a few are there now). If a Wikipedian deems the information verifiable, unbiased, accurate, etc. they should feel free to update the article. Of course, the hope is that information in the article grows organically. We hope you'll consider lending a hand!
We often get requests to make a video about healthcare reform. Unfortunately, it's a subject that's very fluid - by the time finished a video, it may be out of date.
Thankfully, our friend Dan Roam (who wrote the book Back of the Napkin) has stepped up to the challenge and created a simple way to explain healthcare/insurance reform. Check it out:
While licensing our videos is still the focus of our business, we have taken on a few custom projects this summer. The first to be published is a video we were hired to produce called "SharePoint in Plain English," about Microsoft's enterprise collaboration tool. The focus of the video is to introduce Sharepoint and illustrate the old way (project info exists on multiple computers) vs. new way (project info lives in SharePoint).
Updated: Microsoft has made this video available for download so you can share it easily on Intranets, presentations, etc.
One of the things that attracted us to this project was the potential to expose our work to SharePoint users. We were so happy to work with the SharePoint team, who was flexible and very open to our interpretations. It was one of the smoothest projects we've completed to date and we appreciate their focus and dedication. Plus, it's always nice to work with local organizations.
We're excited to announce a new member of the Common Craft Explainer Network, 1/29 Explainers. Executive producer Nick Seuser and the 1/29 team have ton of experience in the film and video world.
Our introduction to 1/29 was through the "Behind the Logic" series of videos they did for Pandora. You can watch them on the 1/29 Explainers home page. We were impressed with the entertaining creative way they explain the logic that connects the music that plays via Pandora. Here's an example:
1/29 Explainers, like all members of the Explainer Network, are available for creating custom explanatory videos for your product or service. We created the Network to help organizations in need of videos find talented video producers. Other members include: Switch Video, Lilipip. Epipheo Studios and 'Splainers.