Let's Talk About a Video on Web Browsers

It's that time again... we've decided to work on one of your suggestions (Web Browsers) and we'd love your feedback.  Here's the original suggestion:

I think for many people who grew up in the IE is it age could benefit from learning more about the features of modern browsers - tabs, history, cookies, flash, html5, home page (incl multiple), password saving, syncing settings across different machines...

That's great info, but I bet you have ideas too.  As always, we're trying to strike that balance that accounts for a wide variety of viewers.  Do you cover web browsers in your job?  What confuses people most? 


I teach an information processing basics class. The majority of students in a freshman class couldn't explain or didn't know the difference between a search engine and a web browser. I usually show this video by Google:
So yes, would like to see you do a video.