Our big transition is almost complete and we need your help. The new Store is up, we're finishing up the last custom projects and now is the time to plan what videos we'll offer in the Store over the next year. We have lots of ideas, but we really want to know what you think.
We want to make videos that:
- Help professionals and educators increase awareness and create change at work
- Have a positive impact on the Web
A good example of this is our video "Wikis in Plain English", which is part of our our Social Media series. We've heard from schools, corporate training programs, individual professionals and bloggers that this video has helped them influence others. Ultimately, our goal is to make videos that have similar appeal.
Like our current videos in the Store, our future videos will be offered with these license types:
- Individual (personal professional use)
- Site (organizational use)
- Free (non-commercial, online use)
So, what video subjects or themes would have a positive influence in your company or school?
Another way to think about it... "My company or school would be better-off if people had a quick and easy way to learn about ______."
If you prefer privacy, please contact us directly. Thanks in advance!